Principal Update 1.7.18

Dear Families,

I hope you are enjoying the 4 day weekend and staying warm in this freezing weather.

Kindergarten Registration

If you have a younger child that is 5 (by August 31) or know a friend in the neighbor with a child that age, it’s time to think about Kindergarten! Kindergarten information night is at Newton South on Monday, February 5th at 7:00pm. At the information night, you will receive a folder with all registration documents. You will need to bring the completed paperwork to the Kindergarten screening. Lincoln-Eliot’s screening date is Tuesday, February 27th. Please call the school to schedule your screening appointment. If you have any questions, please call Jena Rossi at 617-559-9540.

Box Tops

Please keep an eye out for any products at home with Box Tops! We collect them in the office and they are redeemed for money for the school. We already have $70 towards our next submission, so keep the collection sheets coming!


MCAS: Below is the 2018 MCAS testing schedule for grades 3-5. It is very important all scholars are present on testing days so please avoid scheduling family vacations on the dates below.



2018 MCAS Testing Schedule




Monday, 4.2.18  

Tuesday, 4.3.18


Wednesday, 4.4.18 Thursday, 4.5.18 Friday, 4.6.18 Monday, 4.9.19
Grade Level 3rd 3rd 4th 5th 4th 5th



Date Friday, 4.27.18 Monday,


Tuesday, 5.1.18 Wednesday, 5.2.18 Friday, 5.4.18 Monday, 5.7.18
Grade Level 4th 5th 3rd 4th 5th 3rd


     STE (5th Only) 

Date Friday, 5.18.18 Monday, 5.21.18
Grade Level 5th 5th



Mark your Calendar:

  • Monday, January 15: No School: Martin Luther King day


A few reminders from previous weeks:

  • Ready or not- winter is upon us!! Please be sure to send your scholar to school each day with a winter jacket, hats, and gloves. Winter/ snow boots will be needed once the snow arrives; as we will continue have outdoor recess daily throughout the winter. Also, please clearly label these items with your child’s name so they do not get lost or missed placed.
  • Arrival and Dismissal:
  • Arrival and dismissal time has become a bit chaotic and dangerous at times. As a result, I am asking you to please adhere to the following to ensure the safety of all scholars:
  • Students should only be let out of the car on the curbside of the street never into the street.
  • The blue zone (on both Pearl Street and Jackson Road) is a no parking zone; it should be used for quick drop off and pick up only
  • If coming from the Capital Street area, please cross students at the Pearl/Jackson light in the designated crosswalk; not in front of cars on Jackson Street.
  • The fire lane in the staff parking lot is a no parking zone


  • Dogs:

Dogs are not allowed on school property but we have come up with a plan that should work for all. If you choose to walk your dog to school at arrival and dismissal times, you and your dog must wait by the Flagpole on the corner of Pearl St and Jackson Rd. Make sure to inform your child’s teacher that you give permission for your child to walk to the Flagpole area on his/her own. It is imperative that you talk with your child to create a plan in case you are late. Make sure to communicate that plan to your child’s teacher.


  • In an effort to ensure student safety, we are asking for parents and teachers to remind students NOT to climb through the bushes in the front of the school when entering or exiting the building. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
  • Please notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number. It is important to have up to date contact information in the case of an emergency.